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Lateral cut as management of late voiding dysfunction syndrome post sling:'more than a cut' - video article. Int Urogynecol J.

Investigación y Educación

Solarte JD. 8/10/2021

Introduction and hypothesis
The mid-urethral sling (MUS) is considered the gold standard for stress urinary incontinence (SUI). Nevertheless, this procedure is not excluded from postsurgical complications, which can be challenging for most clinicians. Hence, one of the main concerns about this procedure is late postoperative voiding dysfunction (LDS), defined as obstructive symptoms 6 weeks after surgery. Primary medical management regularly includes expectant management and rehabilitation, including the mid-urethral cut sling (MUCS) as an alternative when it fails. This video provides an anatomical illustration and detailed description of the surgical steps of the J-cut of the lateral sling.

The lateral cut of the mid-urethral tape should be considered a surgical alternative for the resolution of post-sling late voiding dysfunction syndrome in patients who do not improve with expectant management.

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