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Knowledge, attitudes, and behavior regarding antibiotics, antibiotic use, and antibiotic resistance in students and health care professionals of the district of Barranquilla (Colombia): A cross-sectional survey. Heliyon.

Investigación y Educación

Gonzalez-Mattos Y.   07/11/2022

To evaluate the knowledge, attitudes and behavior regarding antibiotics, use of antibiotics, and antibiotic resistance in students and health care professionals of the district of Barranquilla, Colombia.

The present study revealed that most of the health care professionals surveyed had a good knowledge about antibiotic use, although strategies must be developed to strengthen knowledge regarding the spread of antibiotic resistance. Likewise, it is important to identify opportunities for improvement related with access to the guidelines and/or materials necessary to treat infections and to provide advice on antibiotic use and antibiotic resistance.

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