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" Impact of immunosuppression regimen on COVID-19 mortality in kidney transplant recipients: Analysis from a Colombian transplantation centers registry. Nefrologia (Engl Ed). "

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The impact of immunosuppression in solid organ transplant recipients with SARS-CoV-2 infection is unknown. The knowledge about the behavior of different immunosuppression schemes in clinical outcomes is scarce. This study aimed to determine the risk of death in kidney transplant recipients with COVID-19 under two different schemes of immunosuppression.


Investigación y educación

"Molecular Imaging of Vulnerable Coronary plaque whit radiolabeled Somatostatin Receptors (SSTR) J.Clin.Med."

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"Background: Venous thromboembolism (VTE) is a common disease in Latin American settings. Implementation of international guidelines in Latin American settings requires additional considerations.

Objective: To provide evidence-based guidelines about VTE prevention for Latin American patients, clinicians, and decision makers. Conclusions:

This guideline ADOLOPMENT project highlighted the importance of contextualization of recommendations in other settings, based on differences in values, resources, feasibility, and health equity impact."

Investigación y educación

"Sjögren Syndrome: New Insights in the Pathogenesis and Role of Nuclear Medicine. J Clin Med."

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"Abstract In the last years, new insights into the molecular basis of rheumatic conditions have been described, which have generated particular interest in understanding the pathophysiology of these diseases, in which lies the explanation of the diversity of clinical presentation and the difficulty in diagnostic and therapeutic approaches.

Investigación y educación

Herramientas para identificar consumo y desperdicio de la dieta hospitalaria. Revisión Sistemática. Rev. chil. nutr.vol.49 no.2 Santiago

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Uno de los factores que influyen en la desnutrición hospitalaria es la incapacidad del paciente para alimentarse correctamente. Un bajo consumo de la dieta hospitalaria aumenta el riesgo a sufrir complicaciones de salud, además genera impacto económico y ambiental, producto del aumento de desperdicio de alimentos. Generar estrategias encaminadas a mitigar este problema debe ser prioridad para el sector salud. Objetivo: Identificar herramientas técnicas utilizadas para medir el consumo y/o desperdicio de alimentos en la dieta hospitalaria. 

Investigación y educación

Imaging Activated-T-Lymphocytes in the Salivary Glands of Patients with Sjögren's Syndrome by  99m Tc-Interleukin-2: Diagnostic and Therapeutic Implications. J Clin Med.

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"Background: Sjögren’s syndrome (SS) is a progressive autoimmune disease characterized by local mononuclear cell infiltration of the salivary and lachrymal glands. Labial biopsy demonstrates local infiltration by Th1 cells that produce pro-inflammatory cytokines, such as interleukin-2 (IL2). The aim of this study was to assess the utility of 99mTc-labelled-IL2 (99mTc-IL2) in evaluating in vivo the extent and severity of lympho-mononuclear cell infiltration in the salivary glands of patients with SS.

Investigación y educación

Guidelines for prevention of venous thromboembolism in surgical and medical patients and long-distance travelers in Latin America. Blood Adv.

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"Background: Venous thromboembolism (VTE) is a common disease in Latin American settings. Implementation of international guidelines in Latin American settings requires additional considerations. Objective: To provide evidence-based guidelines about VTE prevention for Latin American patients, clinicians, and decision makers. Conclusions: This guideline ADOLOPMENT project highlighted the importance of contextualization of recommendations in other settings, based on differences in values, resources, feasibility, and health equity impact."

Investigación y educación